sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009

"I have always wanted to swim with dolphins"

Ever since i was child i have always wanted to swim with dolphins and when i went to Riviera Maya in the summer of 2009 i was able to have this expereince. Visiting Delphinus was one of greatest experiences of my life so far and was the best part of my holiday, i would recommend anyone to visit Delphinus if they want to swim with dolphins : )

miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2009

Beautiful day!, this dolphin someday will get a tour for swimming with the Whale Sharks at the paradise of Holbox
Hermoso día, y algún día este delfin también se comprará su tour para ir a nadar con el Tiburón Ballena en el paraiso Holbox

martes, 28 de julio de 2009

"@fl Footpush^El footpush es una actividad muy divertida del nado con
Flickr: Your Photostream (http://ping.fm/9I9CI)